In order to get this service, you need an IMEI Check.
Please proceed here by entering your IMEI number:
For the past few months, the IMEI Bell Unlock service supports all kinds of iPhones.
This means that it can support the following cases:
However, those services are not always online so the first step is to identify your Bell’s iPhone IMEI status and then check if there is a service to Unlock your Bell iPhone.
Below you can see some real IMEI Check reports from Bell Locked iPhones.
As you can see, the “Locked Carrier” field has the “Canada Bell” value (First report). This means that this iPhone is locked on Bell Canada network.
To the second report, you can see that the device is Locked, but it does not say in which network. However you can easily conclude that it is locked on Bell Canada network, since it is reported as stolen by Bell Mobility network.
To the first example, the current “Blacklist status” of that IMEI number is “CLEAN“. But you can see that it was previously Blacklisted by Bell Mobility Canada network (Most likely it was removed by its original owner).
To the second example, the device is Blacklisted by Bell Mobility Canada network. When an IMEI number is Blacklisted, it will also show you in which Country and when it got blacklisted.
Even though you can Unlock Bell iPhone that is reported as Lost/Stolen (Blacklisted), you will not be able to use it inside Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil & Puerto Rico afterwards. The Unlock Bell iPhone service cannot remove the Blacklist status from your device, only the SIM-Lock. Currently, there are no Cleaning services for Blacklisted Bell iPhones.
The benefits of Unlocked iPhones are numerous, so let me list them for you:
As you can see, by performing an Unlock Bell iPhone service, you receive only benefits, which is the reason that we recommend all our users to unlock their iPhones.